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Truffles was upset a lot. Some people would call it depressed. I was worried
a lot, that kind of thing. That changed. He became a much happier friend.
After Dogsuit I found I could really go after what I wanted in life.
Colin Frazer, Colorado City, Colorado

It really is remarkable what a new mydogsuit can do for a dog's confidence. Around the office we like to say that it's like putting a little redneck behind the wheel of a big truck- their confidence shoots through the roof! Take care!

My dog has hypersensitive skin and showers with chapstick and he is finally
happy. It was really easy.
Rebecca Thomson, K-falls, OR

Gross! Well, since you are a cutomer, now neither you or your dog has to be ashamed while you are in public with your dog. Congratulations!

Yo Ghost! Yo Dawg! What's up with ya'll? What the fuck ya'll doin wit the
woof? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Dogg4Life Sioux city, IA

We are modulating the woof so that a Suited-up dog's bark will match it's appearance! Please refer to the BM section of the site.

In '91 my friend little Rusty became violently ill and was rushed to the
Animal ER. They operated immediately and found his intestines had burst. The
doctors said he had Crohn’s disease and wouldn’t live past 5. Dogsuit made
it better.
-Tammy L., Iowa City, Iowa

Tammy: Thanks for your heartworming letter. We don't usually market mydogsuits as medical aids because of how depressing those stories usually are. Thanks to you and Rusty and Crohn, we may have to rethink that! Thanks again!

Hi website,

Let me begin by saying, I'm a cat person.
Ever since my husband died, all dogs remind me of him.
Tears on the spot. Weeks of crying. Floods of emotion.
Then my friend, Brianna, from my tai-chi class told me
about It was just the thing I needed.

Now, I'm still a cat person. And I miss my husband terribly.
But now my cat looks like a dog.


Janice Portsmann
Cincinnati, OH

You are a really confusing and bittersweet kind of hero. Congratulations on making the change in your life that you needed and then moving on, to happiness. Keep it up!

I got tired of walking around with a really old looking dog. Dogsuit made that not happen anymore. We have stuck with this for three years now. I am in the best shape of my
life even after having twins.
Ellie Gompert, Niagra Falls

You sound like a satisfied customer, and those are our favorite people to get letters from. Thank you for your letter, we hope that you continue to enjoy your purchase for another 3 years!

-Fletch, Chevy Chase, MD

Come on. If you don't like this site, please just don't visit it and we will leave it at that, with no hard feelings.